Wednesday, June 18, 2008

it's an up thing

this is an idea I think would be really cool on a t-shirt, unfortunatly all i did was crop and erase a few things from the 7up can and typed it's an up thing, and added some dots and lines...


Steven Keele said...

I didn't know you were such a 7up fan. Very nice.

The Wies Family said...

I love 7-up! It is so dang good!

Kevin Keele said...

Is it REALLY an up thing?

Jacob Keele said...

Kevin, I would say yes, every 7up has a unique taste to it that says " Jacob (or who ever is drinking it) today you should feel happy and Up" so yes Kav it is an up thing.

Unknown said...

Root Beer is better. But nice 7up thing.